Peril meaning in Hindi

Peril is a english word.

Peril Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • peril = खतरा

    • Usage: Be careful of the perils coming on your way advised the astrologer.
  • peril = खतरनाक स्थिति

    • Usage: The reindeers are able to survive in the perils of harsh winter.

Peril Meaning in Detail

  • peril (noun) = a source of danger; a possibility of incurring loss or misfortune

    Synonyms: hazard, jeopardy, peril, risk, endangerment

    • Usage: drinking alcohol is a health hazard
  • peril (noun) = a state of danger involving risk

    Synonyms: riskiness, peril

  • peril (noun) = a venture undertaken without regard to possible loss or injury

    Synonyms: risk, peril, danger

    • Usage: he saw the rewards but not the risks of crime
    • Usage: there was a danger he would do the wrong thing
  • peril (verb) = pose a threat to; present a danger to

    Synonyms: endanger, jeopardize, jeopardise, menace, threaten, imperil, peril

    • Usage: The pollution is endangering the crops
  • peril (verb) = put in a dangerous, disadvantageous, or difficult position

    Synonyms: queer, expose, scupper, endanger, peril

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