Panic meaning in Hindi

Panic is a english word.

Panic Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • panic = सन्त्रास

    • Usage: A decision made by me in panic effected me in the long run.
  • panic = सन्त्रास्त होना

    • Usage: The sound of the fire shot panicked the people.

Panic Meaning in Detail

  • panic (noun) = an overwhelming feeling of fear and anxiety

    Synonyms: panic, terror, affright

  • panic (noun) = sudden mass fear and anxiety over anticipated events

    Synonyms: panic, scare

    • Usage: panic in the stock market
    • Usage: a war scare
    • Usage: a bomb scare led them to evacuate the building
  • panic (verb) = be overcome by a sudden fear

    Synonyms: panic

    • Usage: The students panicked when told that final exams were less than a week away
  • panic (verb) = cause sudden fear in or fill with sudden panic

    Synonyms: panic

    • Usage: The mere thought of an isolation cell panicked the prisoners
  • Other words to learn

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