Pallid meaning in Hindi
Pallid is a english word.Pallid Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
pallid = विवर्ण
- Usage: Due to weakness,he has a pallid complexion.
- Usage: कमजोरी के कारण,उसका रंग पीला है.
- Usage: Today the day is gloomy due to this pallid sun.
- Usage: इस विवर्ण सूर्य के कारन आज दिन अंधेरा है.
Pallid Meaning in Detail
pallid (adj) = abnormally deficient in color as suggesting physical or emotional distress
Synonyms: pale, pallid, wan
- Usage: the pallid face of the invalid
- Usage: her wan face suddenly flushed
pallid (adj) = (of light) lacking in intensity or brightness; dim or feeble
Synonyms: pale, pallid, wan, sick
- Usage: the pale light of a half moon
- Usage: a pale sun
- Usage: the late afternoon light coming through the el tracks fell in pale oblongs on the street
- Usage: a pallid sky
- Usage: the pale (or wan) stars
- Usage: the wan light of dawn
pallid (adj) = lacking in vitality or interest or effectiveness
Synonyms: pale, pallid
- Usage: a pale rendition of the aria
- Usage: pale prose with the faint sweetness of lavender
- Usage: a pallid performance
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