Overestimate meaning in Hindi

Overestimate is a english word.

Overestimate Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • overestimate = ज्यादा दाम लगाना

    • Usage: I overestimated the amount of provisions we'd need for the month
  • overestimate = ज्यादा दाम

    • Usage: We are expecting fifty people but that may be an overestimate

Overestimate Meaning in Detail

  • overestimate (noun) = an appraisal that is too high

    Synonyms: overestimate, overestimation, overvaluation, overappraisal

  • overestimate (noun) = a calculation that results in an estimate that is too high

    Synonyms: overestimate, overestimation, overrating, overreckoning

  • overestimate (verb) = make too high an estimate of

    Synonyms: overestimate, overrate

    • Usage: He overestimated his own powers
  • overestimate (verb) = assign too high a value to

    Synonyms: overvalue, overestimate

    • Usage: You are overestimating the value of your old car
  • Other words to learn

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