Orderly meaning in Hindi
Orderly is a english word.Orderly Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
orderly = सुव्यवस्थित
- Usage: The class was very orderly.
orderly = सुव्यवस्थित रूप से
- Usage: Put the files in an orderly sequence.
orderly = अरदली
- Usage: The orderly laid out the general's uniform.
Orderly Meaning in Detail
orderly (noun) = a soldier who serves as an attendant to a superior officer
Synonyms: orderly
- Usage: the orderly laid out the general's uniform
orderly (noun) = a male hospital attendant who has general duties that do not involve the medical treatment of patients
Synonyms: orderly, hospital_attendant
orderly (adj) = devoid of violence or disruption
Synonyms: orderly
- Usage: an orderly crowd confronted the president
orderly (adj) = clean or organized
Synonyms: neat, orderly
- Usage: her neat dress
- Usage: a neat room
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