Nominate meaning in Hindi

Nominate is a english word.

Nominate Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • nominate = नामांकित करना

    • Usage: A.R.Rehman was nominated for the best music director in films.

Nominate Meaning in Detail

  • nominate (verb) = propose as a candidate for some honor

    Synonyms: nominate, put_up, put_forward

  • nominate (verb) = put forward; nominate for appointment to an office or for an honor or position

    Synonyms: nominate, propose

    • Usage: The President nominated her as head of the Civil Rights Commission
  • nominate (verb) = charge with a function; charge to be

    Synonyms: name, nominate, make

    • Usage: She was named Head of the Committee
    • Usage: She was made president of the club
  • nominate (verb) = create and charge with a task or function

    Synonyms: appoint, name, nominate, constitute

    • Usage: nominate a committee
  • Other words to learn

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