Mockery meaning in Hindi

Mockery is a english word.

Mockery Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • mockery = मज़ाक

    • Usage: Don't make a mockery of everything.

Mockery Meaning in Detail

  • mockery (noun) = showing your contempt by derision

    Synonyms: jeer, jeering, mockery, scoff, scoffing

  • mockery (noun) = a composition that imitates or misrepresents somebody's style, usually in a humorous way

    Synonyms: parody, lampoon, spoof, sendup, mockery, takeoff, burlesque, travesty, charade, pasquinade, put-on

  • mockery (noun) = humorous or satirical mimicry

    Synonyms: parody, mockery, takeoff

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