Mildew meaning in Hindi

Mildew is a english word.

Mildew Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • mildew = फफूँदी

    • Usage: During the monsoon one must spray the plants aganist the mildew.

Mildew Meaning in Detail

  • mildew (noun) = the process of becoming mildewed

    Synonyms: mildew, mold, mould

  • mildew (noun) = a fungus that produces a superficial (usually white) growth on organic matter

    Synonyms: mildew

  • mildew (verb) = become moldy; spoil due to humidity

    Synonyms: mold, mildew

    • Usage: The furniture molded in the old house
  • Other words to learn

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