Middle meaning in Hindi

Middle is a english word.

Middle Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • middle = मध्यस्थल

    • Usage: Don't leave things in the middle of the room.
  • middle = बीच [का]

    • Usage: You have to reach some middle point in this case.

Middle Meaning in Detail

  • middle (noun) = an area that is approximately central within some larger region

    Synonyms: center, centre, middle, heart, eye

    • Usage: it is in the center of town
    • Usage: they ran forward into the heart of the struggle
    • Usage: they were in the eye of the storm
  • middle (noun) = an intermediate part or section

    Synonyms: middle

    • Usage: A whole is that which has beginning, middle, and end"- Aristotle
  • middle (noun) = the middle area of the human torso (usually in front)

    Synonyms: middle, midriff, midsection

    • Usage: young American women believe that a bare midriff is fashionable
  • middle (noun) = time between the beginning and the end of a temporal period

    Synonyms: middle

    • Usage: the middle of the war
    • Usage: rain during the middle of April
  • middle (verb) = put in the middle

    Synonyms: middle

  • middle (adj) = being neither at the beginning nor at the end in a series

    Synonyms: in-between, mediate, middle

    • Usage: adolescence is an awkward in-between age
    • Usage: in a mediate position
    • Usage: the middle point on a line
  • middle (adj) = equally distant from the extremes

    Synonyms: center, halfway, middle, midway

  • middle (adj) = of a stage in the development of a language or literature between earlier and later stages

    Synonyms: middle

    • Usage: Middle English is the English language from about 1100 to 1500
    • Usage: Middle Gaelic
  • middle (adj) = between an earlier and a later period of time

    Synonyms: middle

    • Usage: in the middle years
    • Usage: in his middle thirties
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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