Measured meaning in Hindi
Measured is a english word.Measured Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
measured = नपा-तुला
- Usage: His answers are always well measured.
Measured Meaning in Detail
measured (verb) = determine the measurements of something or somebody, take measurements of
Synonyms: measure, mensurate, measure_out
- Usage: Measure the length of the wall
measured (verb) = express as a number or measure or quantity
Synonyms: quantify, measure
- Usage: Can you quantify your results?
measured (verb) = have certain dimensions
Synonyms: measure
- Usage: This table surfaces measures 20inches by 36 inches
measured (verb) = evaluate or estimate the nature, quality, ability, extent, or significance of
Synonyms: measure, evaluate, valuate, assess, appraise, value
- Usage: I will have the family jewels appraised by a professional
- Usage: access all the factors when taking a risk
measured (adj) = having notes of fixed rhythmic value
Synonyms: mensural, measured, mensurable
measured (adj) = the rhythmic arrangement of syllables
Synonyms: measured, metrical, metric
measured (adj) = carefully thought out in advance
Synonyms: deliberate, calculated, measured
- Usage: a calculated insult
- Usage: with measured irony
measured (adj) = unhurried and with care and dignity
Synonyms: careful, deliberate, measured
- Usage: walking at the same measured pace
- Usage: with all deliberate speed
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