Maintain meaning in Hindi

Maintain is a english word.

Maintain Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • maintain = बनाए रखना

    • Usage: Destpite his erratic behaviour she has been maintianing her friendship with him.
  • maintain = देखरेख करना

    • Usage: It is a big job to maintain a school.
  • maintain = निश्चयपूर्वक कहना

    • Usage: He has always maintained that he is not guilty.
  • maintain = भरण पोषण करना

    • Usage: He earns enough to maintain his family.

Maintain Meaning in Detail

  • maintain (verb) = keep in a certain state, position, or activity; e.g., "keep clean"

    Synonyms: keep, maintain, hold

    • Usage: hold in place
    • Usage: She always held herself as a lady
    • Usage: The students keep me on my toes
  • maintain (verb) = keep in safety and protect from harm, decay, loss, or destruction

    Synonyms: conserve, preserve, maintain, keep_up

    • Usage: We preserve these archeological findings
    • Usage: The old lady could not keep up the building
    • Usage: children must be taught to conserve our national heritage
    • Usage: The museum curator conserved the ancient manuscripts
  • maintain (verb) = supply with necessities and support

    Synonyms: sustain, keep, maintain

    • Usage: She alone sustained her family
    • Usage: The money will sustain our good cause
    • Usage: There's little to earn and many to keep
  • maintain (verb) = state categorically

    Synonyms: assert, asseverate, maintain

  • maintain (verb) = have and exercise

    Synonyms: wield, exert, maintain

    • Usage: wield power and authority
  • maintain (verb) = maintain for use and service

    Synonyms: keep, maintain

    • Usage: I keep a car in the countryside
    • Usage: She keeps an apartment in Paris for her shopping trips
  • maintain (verb) = maintain by writing regular records

    Synonyms: keep, maintain

    • Usage: keep a diary
    • Usage: maintain a record
    • Usage: keep notes
  • maintain (verb) = state or assert

    Synonyms: maintain, defend

    • Usage: He maintained his innocence
  • maintain (verb) = support against an opponent

    Synonyms: uphold, maintain

    • Usage: The appellate court upheld the verdict
  • maintain (verb) = stick to correctly or closely

    Synonyms: observe, keep, maintain

    • Usage: The pianist kept time with the metronome
    • Usage: keep count
    • Usage: I cannot keep track of all my employees
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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