Lug meaning in Hindi

Lug is a english word.

Lug Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • lug = खींचना/घसीटना

    • Usage: You'll have to lug this suitcase

Lug Meaning in Detail

  • lug (noun) = ancient Celtic god

    Synonyms: Lug, Lugh

  • lug (noun) = a sail with four corners that is hoisted from a yard that is oblique to the mast

    Synonyms: lugsail, lug

  • lug (noun) = a projecting piece that is used to lift or support or turn something

    Synonyms: lug

  • lug (noun) = marine worms having a row of tufted gills along each side of the back; often used for fishing bait

    Synonyms: lugworm, lug, lobworm

  • lug (verb) = carry with difficulty

    Synonyms: lug, tote, tug

    • Usage: You'll have to lug this suitcase
  • lug (verb) = obstruct

    Synonyms: stuff, lug, choke_up, block

    • Usage: My nose is all stuffed
    • Usage: Her arteries are blocked
  • Other words to learn

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