Loyal meaning in Hindi

Loyal is a english word.

Loyal Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • loyal = स्वामिभक्त

    • Usage: Loyal subjects

Loyal Meaning in Detail

  • loyal (adj) = steadfast in allegiance or duty

    Synonyms: loyal

    • Usage: loyal subjects
    • Usage: loyal friends stood by him
  • loyal (adj) = inspired by love for your country

    Synonyms: patriotic, loyal

  • loyal (adj) = unwavering in devotion to friend or vow or cause

    Synonyms: firm, loyal, truehearted, fast

    • Usage: a firm ally
    • Usage: loyal supporters
    • Usage: the true-hearted soldier...of Tippecanoe"- Campaign song for William Henry Harrison
    • Usage: fast friends
  • Other words to learn

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