Lighten meaning in Hindi

Lighten is a english word.

Lighten Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • lighten = हल्का करना

    • Usage: There is a need to lighten the weight of books/courses on young children.
  • lighten = गम्भीरता हटना

    • Usage: As the speaker imploded his plans the mood of the audience gradually lightened.
  • lighten = चिन्तामुक्त होना

    • Usage: My heart was lightened when I got the news that he had reached his destination quite safely.
  • lighten = प्रकाश बढाना

    • Usage: The new lights have lightened the room considerably.
  • lighten = चमक उठना

    • Usage: His face lightened at the news of a raise in his salary.

Lighten Meaning in Detail

  • lighten (verb) = make more cheerful

    Synonyms: lighten, lighten_up, buoy_up

    • Usage: the conversation lightened me up a bit
  • lighten (verb) = reduce the weight on; make lighter

    Synonyms: lighten

    • Usage: she lightened the load on the tired donkey
  • lighten (verb) = become more cheerful

    Synonyms: lighten, lighten_up, buoy_up

    • Usage: after a glass of wine, he lightened up a bit
  • lighten (verb) = make lighter or brighter

    Synonyms: brighten, lighten_up, lighten

    • Usage: The paint will brighten the room
  • lighten (verb) = become lighter

    Synonyms: lighten, lighten_up

    • Usage: The room lightened up
  • lighten (verb) = alleviate or remove (pressure or stress) or make less oppressive

    Synonyms: relieve, lighten

    • Usage: relieve the pressure and the stress
    • Usage: lighten the burden of caring for her elderly parents
  • Other words to learn

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