Jog meaning in Hindi

Jog is a english word.

Jog Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • jog = कसरत के लिये दौड़ना

    • Usage: I jog every morning to keep myself fit.
  • jog = मामूली सा धक्का देना

    • Usage: The suitcase jogged against his leg as he walked.
  • jog = दौड़

    • Usage: I go for a jog in the park every morning.

Jog Meaning in Detail

  • jog (noun) = a sharp change in direction

    Synonyms: jog

    • Usage: there was a jog in the road
  • jog (noun) = a slow pace of running

    Synonyms: jog, trot, lope

  • jog (noun) = a slight push or shake

    Synonyms: nudge, jog

  • jog (verb) = continue talking or writing in a desultory manner

    Synonyms: ramble_on, ramble, jog

    • Usage: This novel rambles on and jogs
  • jog (verb) = even up the edges of a stack of paper, in printing

    Synonyms: square_up, jog, even_up

  • jog (verb) = run for exercise

    Synonyms: jog

    • Usage: jog along the canal
  • jog (verb) = run at a moderately swift pace

    Synonyms: trot, jog, clip

  • jog (verb) = give a slight push to

    Synonyms: jog

  • jog (verb) = stimulate to remember

    Synonyms: jog

    • Usage: jog my memory
  • Other words to learn

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