Invite meaning in Hindi

Invite is a english word.

Invite Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • invite = निमन्त्रण भेजना

    • Usage: We invited our relatives for our daughter's marriage.
  • invite = आकृष्ट करना

    • Usage: Leaving your vehicles unlocked is just inviting trouble.

Invite Meaning in Detail

  • invite (noun) = a colloquial expression for invitation

    Synonyms: invite

    • Usage: he didn't get no invite to the party
  • invite (verb) = increase the likelihood of

    Synonyms: invite, ask_for

    • Usage: ask for trouble
    • Usage: invite criticism
  • invite (verb) = invite someone to one's house

    Synonyms: invite, ask_over, ask_round

    • Usage: Can I invite you for dinner on Sunday night?
  • invite (verb) = give rise to a desire by being attractive or inviting

    Synonyms: tempt, invite

    • Usage: the window displays tempted the shoppers
  • invite (verb) = ask someone in a friendly way to do something

    Synonyms: invite, bid

  • invite (verb) = have as a guest

    Synonyms: invite, pay_for

    • Usage: I invited them to a restaurant
  • invite (verb) = ask to enter

    Synonyms: invite, ask_in

    • Usage: We invited the neighbors in for a cup of coffee
  • invite (verb) = request the participation or presence of

    Synonyms: invite, call_for

    • Usage: The organizers invite submissions of papers for the conference
  • invite (verb) = express willingness to have in one's home or environs

    Synonyms: receive, take_in, invite

    • Usage: The community warmly received the refugees
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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