Intimidation meaning in Hindi

Intimidation is a english word.

Intimidation Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • intimidation = धमकी

    • Usage: The police tried to bribe her by intimidation .

Intimidation Meaning in Detail

  • intimidation (noun) = the act of intimidating a weaker person to make them do something

    Synonyms: bullying, intimidation

  • intimidation (noun) = the feeling of discouragement in the face of someone's superior fame or wealth or status etc.

    Synonyms: intimidation

  • intimidation (noun) = the feeling of being intimidated; being made to feel afraid or timid

    Synonyms: intimidation

  • intimidation (noun) = a communication that makes you afraid to try something

    Synonyms: determent, deterrence, intimidation

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