Inclination meaning in Hindi

Inclination is a english word.

Inclination Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • inclination = झुकाव

    • Usage: The car has an inclination to stall on steep hills.

Inclination Meaning in Detail

  • inclination (noun) = an attitude of mind especially one that favors one alternative over others

    Synonyms: inclination, disposition, tendency

    • Usage: he had an inclination to give up too easily
    • Usage: a tendency to be too strict
  • inclination (noun) = (astronomy) the angle between the plane of the orbit and the plane of the ecliptic stated in degrees

    Synonyms: inclination, inclination_of_an_orbit

  • inclination (noun) = (geometry) the angle formed by the x-axis and a given line (measured counterclockwise from the positive half of the x-axis)

    Synonyms: inclination, angle_of_inclination

  • inclination (noun) = (physics) the angle that a magnetic needle makes with the plane of the horizon

    Synonyms: dip, angle_of_dip, magnetic_dip, magnetic_inclination, inclination

  • inclination (noun) = that toward which you are inclined to feel a liking

    Synonyms: inclination

    • Usage: her inclination is for classical music
  • inclination (noun) = the property possessed by a line or surface that departs from the vertical

    Synonyms: tilt, list, inclination, lean, leaning

    • Usage: the tower had a pronounced tilt
    • Usage: the ship developed a list to starboard
    • Usage: he walked with a heavy inclination to the right
  • inclination (noun) = a characteristic likelihood of or natural disposition toward a certain condition or character or effect

    Synonyms: tendency, inclination

    • Usage: the alkaline inclination of the local waters
    • Usage: fabric with a tendency to shrink
  • inclination (noun) = the act of inclining; bending forward

    Synonyms: inclination, inclining

    • Usage: an inclination of his head indicated his agreement
  • Other words to learn

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