Imitation meaning in Hindi

Imitation is a english word.

Imitation Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • imitation = नकली/अनुकरण

    • Usage: The show case displayed a wide range of imitation jewellary.

Imitation Meaning in Detail

  • imitation (noun) = the doctrine that representations of nature or human behavior should be accurate imitations

    Synonyms: imitation

  • imitation (noun) = something copied or derived from an original

    Synonyms: imitation

  • imitation (noun) = copying (or trying to copy) the actions of someone else

    Synonyms: imitation

  • imitation (noun) = a representation of a person that is exaggerated for comic effect

    Synonyms: caricature, imitation, impersonation

  • imitation (adj) = not genuine or real; being an imitation of the genuine article; it's real synthetic fur"

    Synonyms: fake, false, faux, imitation, simulated

    • Usage: it isn't fake anything
    • Usage: faux pearls
    • Usage: false teeth
    • Usage: decorated with imitation palm leaves
    • Usage: a purse of simulated alligator hide
  • Other words to learn

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