Guarantee meaning in Hindi

Guarantee is a english word.

Guarantee Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • guarantee = ज़मानत

    • Usage: The T.V. has come with a three year guarantee.
  • guarantee = ज़िम्मा लेना

    • Usage: Going tutions doesn't guarantee you success in the exams.

Guarantee Meaning in Detail

  • guarantee (noun) = a written assurance that some product or service will be provided or will meet certain specifications

    Synonyms: guarantee, warrant, warrantee, warranty

  • guarantee (noun) = an unconditional commitment that something will happen or that something is true

    Synonyms: guarantee

    • Usage: there is no guarantee that they are not lying
  • guarantee (noun) = a collateral agreement to answer for the debt of another in case that person defaults

    Synonyms: guarantee, guaranty

  • guarantee (verb) = give surety or assume responsibility

    Synonyms: guarantee, vouch

    • Usage: I vouch for the quality of my products
  • guarantee (verb) = make certain of

    Synonyms: guarantee, ensure, insure, assure, secure

    • Usage: This nest egg will ensure a nice retirement for us
    • Usage: Preparation will guarantee success!
  • guarantee (verb) = promise to do or accomplish

    Synonyms: undertake, guarantee

    • Usage: guarantee to free the prisoners
  • guarantee (verb) = stand behind and guarantee the quality, accuracy, or condition of

    Synonyms: guarantee, warrant

    • Usage: The dealer warrants all the cars he sells
    • Usage: I warrant this information
  • Other words to learn

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