Glorify meaning in Hindi

Glorify is a english word.

Glorify Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • glorify = बढ़ाई करना

    • Usage: Some critics unnecessarliy glorify some works of art for vested interests.

Glorify Meaning in Detail

  • glorify (verb) = praise, glorify, or honor

    Synonyms: laud, extol, exalt, glorify, proclaim

    • Usage: extol the virtues of one's children
    • Usage: glorify one's spouse's cooking
  • glorify (verb) = bestow glory upon

    Synonyms: glorify

    • Usage: The victory over the enemy glorified the Republic
  • glorify (verb) = elevate or idealize, in allusion to Christ's transfiguration

    Synonyms: transfigure, glorify, spiritualize

  • glorify (verb) = cause to seem more splendid

    Synonyms: glorify

    • Usage: You are glorifying a rather mediocre building
  • Other words to learn

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