Glacial meaning in Hindi
Glacial is a english word.Glacial Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
glacial = बर्फ का
- Usage: New water sources are formed due to glacial movements.
Glacial Meaning in Detail
glacial (adj) = relating to or derived from a glacier
Synonyms: glacial
- Usage: glacial deposit
glacial (adj) = devoid of warmth and cordiality; expressive of unfriendliness or disdain
Synonyms: frigid, frosty, frozen, glacial, icy, wintry
- Usage: a frigid greeting
- Usage: got a frosty reception
- Usage: a frozen look on their faces
- Usage: a glacial handshake
- Usage: icy stare
- Usage: wintry smile
glacial (adj) = extremely cold
Synonyms: arctic, frigid, gelid, glacial, icy, polar
- Usage: an arctic climate
- Usage: a frigid day
- Usage: gelid waters of the North Atlantic
- Usage: glacial winds
- Usage: icy hands
- Usage: polar weather
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