Genetic meaning in Hindi

Genetic is a english word.

Genetic Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • genetic = आनुवंशिक/उत्पत्ति सम्बन्धी

    • Usage: He is studying genetic engineering in the USA.

Genetic Meaning in Detail

  • genetic (adj) = occurring among members of a family usually by heredity

    Synonyms: familial, genetic, hereditary, inherited, transmitted, transmissible

    • Usage: an inherited disease
    • Usage: familial traits
    • Usage: genetically transmitted features
  • genetic (adj) = of or relating to or produced by or being a gene

    Synonyms: genic, genetic, genetical

    • Usage: genic combinations
    • Usage: genetic code
  • genetic (adj) = pertaining to or referring to origin

    Synonyms: genetic

    • Usage: genetic history reconstructs the origins of a literary work
  • genetic (adj) = of or relating to the science of genetics

    Synonyms: genetic, genetical

    • Usage: genetic research
  • Other words to learn

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