Fundamental meaning in Hindi
Fundamental is a english word.Fundamental Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
fundamental = मूलभूत
- Usage: We have a fundamental right of speech.
fundamental = मूल सिद्धान्त
- Usage: Learn the fundamentals of Algebra.
Fundamental Meaning in Detail
fundamental (noun) = any factor that could be considered important to the understanding of a particular business
Synonyms: fundamental
- Usage: fundamentals include a company's growth, revenues, earnings, management, and capital structure
fundamental (noun) = the lowest tone of a harmonic series
Synonyms: fundamental, fundamental_frequency, first_harmonic
fundamental (adj) = serving as an essential component
Synonyms: cardinal, central, fundamental, key, primal
- Usage: a cardinal rule
- Usage: the central cause of the problem
- Usage: an example that was fundamental to the argument
- Usage: computers are fundamental to modern industrial structure
fundamental (adj) = being or involving basic facts or principles
Synonyms: fundamental, rudimentary, underlying
- Usage: the fundamental laws of the universe
- Usage: a fundamental incomatibility between them
- Usage: these rudimentary truths
- Usage: underlying principles
fundamental (adj) = far-reaching and thoroughgoing in effect especially on the nature of something
Synonyms: fundamental, profound
- Usage: the fundamental revolution in human values that has occurred
- Usage: the book underwent fundamental changes
- Usage: committed the fundamental error of confusing spending with extravagance
- Usage: profound social changes
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