Freshness meaning in Hindi
Freshness is a english word.Freshness Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
freshness = ताजगी
- Usage: The freshness of air in the morning keeps us fit.
Freshness Meaning in Detail
freshness (noun) = the property of being pure and fresh (as if newly made); not stale or deteriorated
Synonyms: freshness
- Usage: she loved the freshness of newly baked bread
- Usage: the freshness of the air revived him
freshness (noun) = originality by virtue of being refreshingly novel
Synonyms: freshness, novelty
freshness (noun) = an alert and refreshed state
Synonyms: freshness, glow
freshness (noun) = originality by virtue of being new and surprising
Synonyms: novelty, freshness
freshness (noun) = the trait of being rude and impertinent; inclined to take liberties
Synonyms: crust, gall, impertinence, impudence, insolence, cheekiness, freshness
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