Formation meaning in Hindi

Formation is a english word.

Formation Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • formation = बनावट

    • Usage: The formation of the state of Madhya Pradesh took place on November 1.50.
    • Usage: Rock formations take millions of years.

Formation Meaning in Detail

  • formation (noun) = an arrangement of people or things acting as a unit

    Synonyms: formation

    • Usage: a defensive formation
    • Usage: a formation of planes
  • formation (noun) = the act of fabricating something in a particular shape

    Synonyms: formation, shaping

  • formation (noun) = the act of forming or establishing something

    Synonyms: constitution, establishment, formation, organization, organisation

    • Usage: the constitution of a PTA group last year
    • Usage: it was the establishment of his reputation
    • Usage: he still remembers the organization of the club
  • formation (noun) = (geology) the geological features of the earth

    Synonyms: geological_formation, formation

  • formation (noun) = a particular spatial arrangement

    Synonyms: formation

  • formation (noun) = natural process that causes something to form

    Synonyms: formation

    • Usage: the formation of gas in the intestine
    • Usage: the formation of crystals
    • Usage: the formation of pseudopods
  • formation (noun) = creation by mental activity

    Synonyms: formation

    • Usage: the formation of sentences
    • Usage: the formation of memories
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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