Foothold meaning in Hindi

Foothold is a english word.

Foothold Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • foothold = सुरक्षित स्थान

    • Usage: Coca Cola has a strong foothold in the Indian market.
  • foothold = पैर टिकाने का स्थान

    • Usage: She used the stool as a foothold to climb the table.

Foothold Meaning in Detail

  • foothold (noun) = an area in hostile territory that has been captured and is held awaiting further troops and supplies

    Synonyms: bridgehead, foothold

    • Usage: an attempt to secure a bridgehead behind enemy lines
    • Usage: the only foothold left for British troops in Europe was Gibraltar
  • foothold (noun) = a place providing support for the foot in standing or climbing

    Synonyms: foothold, footing

  • foothold (noun) = an initial accomplishment that opens the way for further developments

    Synonyms: beachhead, foothold

    • Usage: the town became a beachhead in the campaign to ban smoking outdoors
    • Usage: they are presently attempting to gain a foothold in the Russian market
  • Other words to learn

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