Flame meaning in Hindi
Flame is a english word.Flame Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
flame = लपट
- Usage: The whole building was in flames before the fire brigade arrived on the scene.
flame = भड़कीला रंग
- Usage: All the flowering bushes were in full bloom turning the whole area in scarlet flames.
flame = तीव्र चेतन
- Usage: His love letter kindled the flame of passion in her.
flame = प्रेमी
- Usage: At the party he met with his old flame.
flame = आग की ज्वाला
- Usage: The flames of the fire were seen from a long distance.
flame = आग का रंग
- Usage: Due to fire the whole area was glowing in flame colour.
flame = क्रोधित होना
- Usage: His hatered flamed anew on strong criticism from his collegues.
Flame Meaning in Detail
flame (noun) = the process of combustion of inflammable materials producing heat and light and (often) smoke
Synonyms: fire, flame, flaming
- Usage: fire was one of our ancestors' first discoveries
flame (verb) = shine with a sudden light
Synonyms: flare, flame
- Usage: The night sky flared with the massive bombardment
flame (verb) = be in flames or aflame
Synonyms: flame
- Usage: The sky seemed to flame in the Hawaiian sunset
flame (verb) = criticize harshly, usually via an electronic medium
Synonyms: flame
- Usage: the person who posted an inflammatory message got flamed
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