Flagellate meaning in Hindi

Flagellate is a english word.

Flagellate Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • flagellate = बेंत मारना

    • Usage: In the procession on Moharram, the participants flagellate themselves to show their devotion.

Flagellate Meaning in Detail

  • flagellate (noun) = a usually nonphotosynthetic free-living protozoan with whiplike appendages; some are pathogens of humans and other animals

    Synonyms: flagellate, flagellate_protozoan, flagellated_protozoan, mastigophoran, mastigophore

  • flagellate (verb) = whip

    Synonyms: flagellate, scourge

    • Usage: The religious fanatics flagellated themselves
  • flagellate (adj) = having or resembling a lash or whip (as does a flagellum)

    Synonyms: flagellate, flagellated, whiplike, lash-like

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