Fierce meaning in Hindi

Fierce is a english word.

Fierce Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • fierce = प्रचंड

    • Usage: The battle of Kurukshetra was a fierce battle.
  • fierce = बर्बर

    • Usage: A fierce dog was guarding the house.
  • fierce = उग्र

    • Usage: He has a fierce loyalty for his mother.

Fierce Meaning in Detail

  • fierce (adj) = marked by extreme and violent energy

    Synonyms: ferocious, fierce, furious, savage

    • Usage: a ferocious beating
    • Usage: fierce fighting
    • Usage: a furious battle
  • fierce (adj) = marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions; inclined to react violently; fervid

    Synonyms: fierce, tearing, vehement, violent, trigger-happy

    • Usage: fierce loyalty
    • Usage: in a tearing rage
    • Usage: vehement dislike
    • Usage: violent passions
  • fierce (adj) = ruthless in competition

    Synonyms: cutthroat, fierce, bowelless

    • Usage: cutthroat competition
    • Usage: bowelless readiness to take advantage
  • fierce (adj) = violently agitated and turbulent

    Synonyms: boisterous, fierce, rough

    • Usage: boisterous winds and waves
    • Usage: the fierce thunders roar me their music"- Ezra Pound
    • Usage: rough weather
    • Usage: rough seas
  • Other words to learn

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