Feverish meaning in Hindi

Feverish is a english word.

Feverish Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • feverish = हल्का बुखार होना

    • Usage: When I touched his hand, I found that he was feverish.
  • feverish = अधिक उत्तेजना होना

    • Usage: He remains in a state of feverish excitement while waiting for the results of the elections.

Feverish Meaning in Detail

  • feverish (adj) = marked by intense agitation or emotion

    Synonyms: feverish, hectic

    • Usage: worked at a feverish pace
  • feverish (adj) = of or relating to or characterized by fever

    Synonyms: febrile, feverish

    • Usage: a febrile reaction caused by an allergen
  • feverish (adj) = having or affected by a fever

    Synonyms: feverish, feverous

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