Effervescent meaning in Hindi
Effervescent is a english word.Effervescent Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
effervescent = उत्साही व अति अनुरागी
- Usage: Abdul kalam has an effervescent personality.
effervescent = उबलने वाला{द्रव का}
- Usage: Soda is an effervescent liquid.
Effervescent Meaning in Detail
effervescent (adj) = used of wines and waters; charged naturally or artificially with carbon dioxide
Synonyms: sparkling, effervescent
- Usage: sparkling wines
- Usage: sparkling water
effervescent (adj) = (of a liquid) giving off bubbles
Synonyms: effervescent
effervescent (adj) = marked by high spirits or excitement
Synonyms: bubbling, effervescent, frothy, scintillating, sparkly
- Usage: his fertile effervescent mind
- Usage: scintillating personality
- Usage: a row of sparkly cheerleaders
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