Economy meaning in Hindi

Economy is a english word.

Economy Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • economy = अर्थ प्रबन्धन

    • Usage: The government takes steps to improve the economy of our country.
  • economy = किफायत

Economy Meaning in Detail

  • economy (noun) = the system of production and distribution and consumption

    Synonyms: economy, economic_system

  • economy (noun) = the efficient use of resources

    Synonyms: economy

    • Usage: economy of effort
  • economy (noun) = frugality in the expenditure of money or resources

    Synonyms: economy, thriftiness

    • Usage: the Scots are famous for their economy
  • economy (noun) = an act of economizing; reduction in cost

    Synonyms: economy, saving

    • Usage: it was a small economy to walk to work every day
    • Usage: there was a saving of 50 cents
  • Other words to learn

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