Duet meaning in Hindi

Duet is a english word.

Duet Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • duet = युगल गीत

Duet Meaning in Detail

  • duet (noun) = two items of the same kind

    Synonyms: couple, pair, twosome, twain, brace, span, yoke, couplet, distich, duo, duet, dyad, duad

  • duet (noun) = two performers or singers who perform together

    Synonyms: duet, duette, duo

  • duet (noun) = a pair who associate with one another

    Synonyms: couple, twosome, duo, duet

    • Usage: the engaged couple
    • Usage: an inseparable twosome
  • duet (noun) = a musical composition for two performers

    Synonyms: duet, duette, duo

  • duet (noun) = (ballet) a dance for two people (usually a ballerina and a danseur noble)

    Synonyms: pas_de_deux, duet

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