Dribble meaning in Hindi

Dribble is a english word.

Dribble Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • dribble = टपकन/टपका-टपकी

    • Usage: There was a dribble of oil out side the bottle.
  • dribble = बच्चे की लार निकलना

    • Usage: There is dribble all over your clothes.
  • dribble = टपकना या टपकाना

    • Usage: Juice dribbled down the side of the packet.
  • dribble = लार का गिरना

    • Usage: Please take care the baby doesn't dribble over your dress.
  • dribble = खेल में गेंद को आगे की तरफ ले जाना

    • Usage: He dribbled the football towards the goalkeeper.

Dribble Meaning in Detail

  • dribble (noun) = flowing in drops; the formation and falling of drops of liquid

    Synonyms: drip, trickle, dribble

    • Usage: there's a drip through the roof
  • dribble (noun) = saliva spilling from the mouth

    Synonyms: drool, dribble, drivel, slobber

  • dribble (noun) = the propulsion of a ball by repeated taps or kicks

    Synonyms: dribble, dribbling

  • dribble (verb) = run or flow slowly, as in drops or in an unsteady stream

    Synonyms: trickle, dribble, filter

    • Usage: water trickled onto the lawn from the broken hose
    • Usage: reports began to dribble in
  • dribble (verb) = let or cause to fall in drops

    Synonyms: dribble, drip, drop

    • Usage: dribble oil into the mixture
  • dribble (verb) = propel, "Carry the ball"

    Synonyms: dribble, carry

    • Usage: dribble the ball
  • dribble (verb) = let saliva drivel from the mouth

    Synonyms: drivel, drool, slabber, slaver, slobber, dribble

    • Usage: The baby drooled
  • Other words to learn

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