Distil meaning in Hindi

Distil is a english word.

Distil Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • distil = स्वच्छ करना

    • Usage: He distilled water for the experiment.

Distil Meaning in Detail

  • distil (verb) = undergo condensation; change from a gaseous to a liquid state and fall in drops

    Synonyms: condense, distill, distil

    • Usage: water condenses
    • Usage: The acid distills at a specific temperature
  • distil (verb) = extract by the process of distillation

    Synonyms: distill, extract, distil

    • Usage: distill the essence of this compound
  • distil (verb) = undergo the process of distillation

    Synonyms: distill, distil

  • distil (verb) = give off (a liquid)

    Synonyms: distill, distil

    • Usage: The doctor distilled a few drops of disinfectant onto the wound
  • Other words to learn

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