Dispute meaning in Hindi
Dispute is a english word.Dispute Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
dispute = विवाद करना
- Usage: The workers' union disputed with the management on the issue of bonus.
dispute = विवाद
- Usage: The workers' union is in dispute with the management.
Dispute Meaning in Detail
dispute (noun) = a disagreement or argument about something important
Synonyms: dispute, difference, difference_of_opinion, conflict
- Usage: he had a dispute with his wife
- Usage: there were irreconcilable differences
- Usage: the familiar conflict between Republicans and Democrats
dispute (noun) = coming into conflict with
Synonyms: dispute, contravention
dispute (verb) = take exception to
Synonyms: challenge, dispute, gainsay
- Usage: She challenged his claims
dispute (verb) = have a disagreement over something
Synonyms: quarrel, dispute, scrap, argufy, altercate
- Usage: We quarreled over the question as to who discovered America
- Usage: These two fellows are always scrapping over something
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