Disentangle meaning in Hindi

Disentangle is a english word.

Disentangle Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • disentangle = सुलझा

Disentangle Meaning in Detail

  • disentangle (verb) = release from entanglement of difficulty

    Synonyms: extricate, untangle, disentangle, disencumber

    • Usage: I cannot extricate myself from this task
  • disentangle (verb) = extricate from entanglement

    Synonyms: disentangle, unsnarl, straighten_out

    • Usage: Can you disentangle the cord?
  • disentangle (verb) = free from involvement or entanglement

    Synonyms: disinvolve, disembroil, disentangle

    • Usage: How can I disentangle myself from her personal affairs?
  • disentangle (verb) = separate the tangles of

    Synonyms: unwind, disentangle

  • disentangle (verb) = smoothen and neaten with or as with a comb

    Synonyms: comb, comb_out, disentangle

    • Usage: comb your hair before dinner
    • Usage: comb the wool
  • Other words to learn

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