Diminish meaning in Hindi

Diminish is a english word.

Diminish Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • diminish = घटाना

    • Usage: The world's petroleum reserves are diminishing day by day.

Diminish Meaning in Detail

  • diminish (verb) = decrease in size, extent, or range

    Synonyms: decrease, diminish, lessen, fall

    • Usage: The amount of homework decreased towards the end of the semester
    • Usage: The cabin pressure fell dramatically
    • Usage: her weight fell to under a hundred pounds
    • Usage: his voice fell to a whisper
  • diminish (verb) = lessen the authority, dignity, or reputation of

    Synonyms: diminish, belittle

    • Usage: don't belittle your colleagues
  • Other words to learn

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