Detailed meaning in Hindi

Detailed is a english word.

Detailed Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • detailed = व्यौरेवार

    • Usage: A detailed plan was chalked out to free the captives.

Detailed Meaning in Detail

  • detailed (verb) = provide details for

    Synonyms: detail

  • detailed (verb) = assign to a specific task

    Synonyms: detail

    • Usage: The ambulances were detailed to the fire station
  • detailed (adj) = developed or executed with care and in minute detail

    Synonyms: detailed, elaborate, elaborated

    • Usage: a detailed plan
    • Usage: the elaborate register of the inhabitants prevented tax evasion"- John Buchan
    • Usage: the carefully elaborated theme
  • Other words to learn

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