Delirious meaning in Hindi
Delirious is a english word.Delirious Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
delirious = बेहोश
- Usage: The beggar appeared to be sick and delirious and could not move properly.
delirious = उन्मत्त{खुशी से}
- Usage: The performer faced a delirious crowd.
- Usage: Hari was delirious while opening the gift.
Delirious Meaning in Detail
delirious (adj) = experiencing delirium
Synonyms: delirious, hallucinating
delirious (adj) = marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion
Synonyms: delirious, excited, frantic, mad, unrestrained
- Usage: a crowd of delirious baseball fans
- Usage: something frantic in their gaiety
- Usage: a mad whirl of pleasure
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