Defend meaning in Hindi

Defend is a english word.

Defend Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • defend = रक्षा करना

    • Usage: He defended himself with a sharp weapon when the enemy attacked him.
    • Usage: He defended against the opposite team.
  • defend = सर्मथन देना

    • Usage: He defended him about his claims.
  • defend = अपना स्थान बनाए रखना

    • Usage: He has to defend himself as a champion.

Defend Meaning in Detail

  • defend (verb) = argue or speak in defense of

    Synonyms: defend, support, fend_for

    • Usage: She supported the motion to strike
  • defend (verb) = be on the defensive; act against an attack

    Synonyms: defend

  • defend (verb) = protect against a challenge or attack

    Synonyms: defend, guard, hold

    • Usage: Hold that position behind the trees!
    • Usage: Hold the bridge against the enemy's attacks
  • defend (verb) = fight against or resist strongly

    Synonyms: fight, oppose, fight_back, fight_down, defend

    • Usage: The senator said he would oppose the bill
    • Usage: Don't fight it!
  • defend (verb) = protect or fight for as a champion

    Synonyms: champion, defend

  • defend (verb) = be the defense counsel for someone in a trial

    Synonyms: defend, represent

    • Usage: Ms. Smith will represent the defendant
  • defend (verb) = state or assert

    Synonyms: maintain, defend

    • Usage: He maintained his innocence
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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