Decisive meaning in Hindi
Decisive is a english word.Decisive Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
decisive = निर्णायक
- Usage: The decisive factor for the match is the skill of the players.
decisive = दृढ़
- Usage: A decisive person should lead the party.
Decisive Meaning in Detail
decisive (adj) = determining or having the power to determine an outcome
Synonyms: decisive
- Usage: cast the decisive vote
- Usage: two factors had a decisive influence
decisive (adj) = unmistakable
Synonyms: decisive
- Usage: had a decisive lead in the polls
decisive (adj) = characterized by decision and firmness
Synonyms: decisive
- Usage: an able and decisive young woman
- Usage: we needed decisive leadership
- Usage: she gave him a decisive answer
decisive (adj) = forming or having the nature of a turning point or crisis
Synonyms: critical, decisive
- Usage: a critical point in the campaign
- Usage: the critical test
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