Dash meaning in Hindi

Dash is a english word.

Dash Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • dash = फुर्ती"

    • Usage: He wooed her with the confident dash of a cavalry officer
  • dash = झपट

    • Usage: He made a dash for the door
  • dash = संघर्ष

    • Usage: He is preparing for the 100-yard dash
  • dash = दे मारना

    • Usage: He dashed the plate against the wall
    • Usage: Her comments dashed his ambitions and hopes
  • dash = हतोत्साहित होना

    • Usage: Dashed by the refusal
  • dash = तेज़ी से दौड़ना

    • Usage: She dashed into the yard

Dash Meaning in Detail

  • dash (noun) = distinctive and stylish elegance

    Synonyms: dash, elan, flair, panache, style

    • Usage: he wooed her with the confident dash of a cavalry officer
  • dash (noun) = a quick run

    Synonyms: dash, sprint

  • dash (noun) = a footrace run at top speed

    Synonyms: dash

    • Usage: he is preparing for the 100-yard dash
  • dash (noun) = a punctuation mark (-) used between parts of a compound word or between the syllables of a word when the word is divided at the end of a line of text

    Synonyms: hyphen, dash

  • dash (noun) = the longer of the two telegraphic signals used in Morse code

    Synonyms: dash, dah

  • dash (noun) = the act of moving with great haste

    Synonyms: dash, bolt

    • Usage: he made a dash for the door
  • dash (verb) = run or move very quickly or hastily

    Synonyms: dart, dash, scoot, scud, flash, shoot

    • Usage: She dashed into the yard
  • dash (verb) = break into pieces, as by striking or knocking over

    Synonyms: smash, dash

    • Usage: Smash a plate
  • dash (verb) = hurl or thrust violently

    Synonyms: crash, dash

    • Usage: He dashed the plate against the wall
    • Usage: Waves were dashing against the rock
  • dash (verb) = destroy or break

    Synonyms: dash

    • Usage: dashed ambitions and hopes
  • dash (verb) = cause to lose courage

    Synonyms: daunt, dash, scare_off, pall, frighten_off, scare_away, frighten_away, scare

    • Usage: dashed by the refusal
  • dash (verb) = add an enlivening or altering element to

    Synonyms: dash

    • Usage: blue paint dashed with white
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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