Darn meaning in Hindi

Darn is a english word.

Darn Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • darn = रफ़ू करना

    • Usage: Darning old clothes is a difficult task.

Darn Meaning in Detail

  • darn (noun) = something of little value

    Synonyms: damn, darn, hoot, red_cent, shit, shucks, tinker's_damn, tinker's_dam

    • Usage: his promise is not worth a damn
    • Usage: not worth one red cent
    • Usage: not worth shucks
  • darn (noun) = sewing that repairs a worn or torn hole (especially in a garment)

    Synonyms: mend, patch, darn

    • Usage: her stockings had several mends
  • darn (verb) = repair by sewing

    Synonyms: darn

    • Usage: darn socks
  • Other words to learn

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