Croup meaning in Hindi

Croup is a english word.

Croup Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • croup = बच्चों मे कण्ठ रोग

    • Usage: Her child is suffering with croup.
  • croup = पुट्ठा{घोड़े का}

    • Usage: In his racing stable,most of the horses have very strong croup.

Croup Meaning in Detail

  • croup (noun) = a disease of infants and young children; harsh coughing and hoarseness and fever and difficult breathing

    Synonyms: croup, spasmodic_laryngitis

  • croup (noun) = the part of an animal that corresponds to the human buttocks

    Synonyms: hindquarters, croup, croupe, rump

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