Crackle meaning in Hindi
Crackle is a english word.Crackle Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
crackle = चरचराना/चटकना/भड़कना
- Usage: My Rice Crispies crackled in the bowl
- Usage: The blazing sun crackled the desert sand
Crackle Meaning in Detail
crackle (noun) = the sharp sound of snapping noises
Synonyms: crackle, crackling, crepitation
crackle (noun) = glazed china with a network of fine cracks on the surface
Synonyms: crackle, crackleware, crackle_china
crackle (verb) = make a crackling sound
Synonyms: crepitate, crackle
- Usage: My Rice Krispies crackled in the bowl
crackle (verb) = make a crushing noise
Synonyms: crunch, scranch, scraunch, crackle
- Usage: his shoes were crunching on the gravel
crackle (verb) = to become, or to cause to become, covered with a network of small cracks
Synonyms: crackle
- Usage: The blazing sun crackled the desert sand
crackle (adj) = having the surface decorated with a network of fine cracks, as in crackleware
Synonyms: crackle
- Usage: a crackle glaze
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