Corner meaning in Hindi

Corner is a english word.

Corner Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • corner = कोना

    • Usage: A piano was kept in one corner of the room.
  • corner = विषम परिस्थिति मे फँसना

    • Usage: Too much of lying ended him into a corner.
  • corner = गुप्त स्थान

    • Usage: She tried to hide herself in the corner of the city.
  • corner = कठिनाई में डालना

    • Usage: The student's question cornered the teacher.
  • corner = अधिकार जमा लेना

    • Usage: The Jhaveries cornered the gold market.

Corner Meaning in Detail

  • corner (noun) = a place off to the side of an area

    Synonyms: corner

    • Usage: he tripled to the rightfield corner
    • Usage: the southeastern corner of the Mediterranean
  • corner (noun) = the point where two lines meet or intersect

    Synonyms: corner

    • Usage: the corners of a rectangle
  • corner (noun) = an interior angle formed by two meeting walls

    Synonyms: corner, nook

    • Usage: a piano was in one corner of the room
  • corner (noun) = the intersection of two streets

    Synonyms: corner, street_corner, turning_point

    • Usage: standing on the corner watching all the girls go by
  • corner (noun) = the point where three areas or surfaces meet or intersect

    Synonyms: corner

    • Usage: the corners of a cube
  • corner (noun) = a small concavity

    Synonyms: recess, recession, niche, corner

  • corner (noun) = a temporary monopoly on a kind of commercial trade

    Synonyms: corner

    • Usage: a corner on the silver market
  • corner (noun) = a predicament from which a skillful or graceful escape is impossible

    Synonyms: corner, box

    • Usage: his lying got him into a tight corner
  • corner (noun) = a projecting part where two sides or edges meet

    Synonyms: corner

    • Usage: he knocked off the corners
  • corner (noun) = a remote area

    Synonyms: corner

    • Usage: in many corners of the world they still practice slavery
  • corner (noun) = (architecture) solid exterior angle of a building; especially one formed by a cornerstone

    Synonyms: corner, quoin

  • corner (verb) = gain control over

    Synonyms: corner

    • Usage: corner the gold market
  • corner (verb) = force a person or an animal into a position from which he cannot escape

    Synonyms: corner, tree

  • corner (verb) = turn a corner

    Synonyms: corner

    • Usage: the car corners
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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