Coordinate meaning in Hindi

Coordinate is a english word.

Coordinate Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • coordinate = निर्देशांक

    • Usage: A line passing through (x,y) coordinate.
  • coordinate = समकक्ष/समपद वाली वस्तु

    • Usage: She always coordinates her clothes with her shoes and jewellery.
  • coordinate = संयोजन करना

    • Usage: Party workers were asked to coordinate the election campaign.
    • Usage: Coordinate the painters, masons, and plumbers

Coordinate Meaning in Detail

  • coordinate (noun) = a number that identifies a position relative to an axis

    Synonyms: coordinate, co-ordinate

  • coordinate (verb) = bring order and organization to

    Synonyms: organize, organise, coordinate

    • Usage: Can you help me organize my files?
  • coordinate (verb) = bring into common action, movement, or condition

    Synonyms: coordinate

    • Usage: coordinate the painters, masons, and plumbers
    • Usage: coordinate his actions with that of his colleagues
    • Usage: coordinate our efforts
  • coordinate (verb) = be co-ordinated

    Synonyms: coordinate

    • Usage: These activities coordinate well
  • coordinate (verb) = bring (components or parts) into proper or desirable coordination correlation

    Synonyms: align, ordinate, coordinate

    • Usage: align the wheels of my car
    • Usage: ordinate similar parts
  • coordinate (adj) = of equal importance, rank, or degree

    Synonyms: coordinate

  • Other words to learn

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