Converse meaning in Hindi
Converse is a english word.Converse Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
converse = विपरीत
- Usage: `parental' and `filial' are converse terms.
- Usage: Her parents hold converse views.
converse = विपरीत
- Usage: She thinks she's attractive to boys,though in fact converse is the case.
converse = वार्तालाप करना
- Usage: What were you conversing with that boy.
- Usage: I conversed with the co-traveller on various topics.
Converse Meaning in Detail
converse (noun) = a proposition obtained by conversion
Synonyms: converse
converse (verb) = carry on a conversation
Synonyms: converse, discourse
converse (adj) = of words so related that one reverses the relation denoted by the other
Synonyms: converse
- Usage: `parental' and `filial' are converse terms
converse (adj) = turned about in order or relation
Synonyms: converse, reversed, transposed
- Usage: transposed letters
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